

The goal of Phoenix Equine Ranch is to touch the lives of hundreds of individuals with special needs. We are acutely aware of the many medical bills and financial hardships our families experience on a regular basis. We work tirelessly to keep our riding costs down through fundraisers, grants, and contributions. Yet, many of our riders’ families struggle and look to Phoenix Equine Ranch's sponsorship program for help.

Our goal is to never turn away anyone due to their inability to pay. Instead, we seek out businesses and individuals who want to make a difference in our community and have a tender heart for those with disabilities. We ask you to participate by underwriting a full or partial scholarship for one of our special needs riders. 

Can you or your business help? Your donation could change a child’s destiny. We invite you to visit our center and see therapeutic riding in action. Talk to the riders, volunteers, and parents. Their stories will touch you!


Sponsor a rider by contacting us today!


We bring horses and people together, but it's our horses that provide that bond with our riders. And we want to make sure our equine team members receive the best training and care. You can support our program by sponsoring a horse and giving towards the cost of its feed, tack, or hoof care. If there is a special horse you would like to sponsor or you would like to donate towards the purchase/lease of a horse, please let us know. 


Contact us to learn how you can sponsor a horse!


Promotional Sponsorship

You can also support our program by purchasing one of our quality signs that promotes your business or by contributing to the needs of our facility while advertising your company through a promotional sponsorship.

Learn more about how you can promote your business while supporting our program.

Promotional Sponsorship Information